
Sebanyak 13 anggota tetap Pimpinan Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah dengan Ketua Umum, Haedar Nashir, telah ditetepkan melalui sidang Muktamar Muhammadiyah yang digelar di Edutorium KH Ahmad Dahlan UMS, Ahad, 20 November 2022. TEMPO/SEPTHIA RYANTHIE


Anindita Farzana

Penulis Indonesiana
Bergabung Sejak: 3 hari lalu

2 hari lalu

Muhammadiyah and Its Role in the Socio-economic Life of Indonesian Society

Muhammadiyah has influenced the socio-economic life of Indonesian society through various initiatives and programs implemented. As an Indonesian Islamic civil society organization, Muhammadiyah has contributed to the development of Islamic economy through sharia financial institutions and cooperatives.

Dukung penulis Indonesiana untuk terus berkarya

The socio-economic background of Indonesian society has become a very important subject in understanding the socio-economic dynamics in this country. Socio-economic conditions that do not allow the fulfillment of life's needs have become one of the factors causing the limited employment opportunities obtained in their home regions. Organizations like Muhammadiyah that advocate for religious moderation face significant challenges due to the socioeconomic divide, which fuels radicalism and hatred that threatens religious moderation.

Muhammadiyah has influenced the socio-economic life of Indonesian society through various initiatives and programs implemented. As an Indonesian Islamic civil society organization, Muhammadiyah has contributed to the development of Islamic economy through sharia financial institutions and cooperatives. Not only that, Muhammadiyah is also involved in various international affairs such as peacekeeping operations, humanitarian activities, and politics, showing a wider international exposure.

Muhammadiyah's concrete steps in the socio-economic life of Indonesian society are through various means. To begin with, Muhammadiyah has created a number of social and economic welfare initiatives that enhance the community's standard of living. In particular, Muhammadiyah-managed Islamic financial cooperatives and organizations have aided in enhancing community financial access and raising public knowledge of Islamic economics. Second, by encouraging the growth of member-owned enterprises, Muhammadiyah has given its citizens more influence and enhanced both the welfare and economic potential of the community. Third, Muhammadiyah has inspired other Islamic groups to promote Islamic economic culture and has contributed to the advancement of justice, sustainability, and Islamic economic ethics.

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Thus, Muhammadiyah has contributed to the development of the Islamic economy and improved the quality of life of the community. Muhammadiyah has created a number of programs that enhance public knowledge of Islamic economics, facilitate better financial access, and enhance welfare. Muhammadiyah has therefore been a successful organization in raising the socioeconomic standard of living for Indonesians. Muhammadiyah has additionally contributed to the advancement of Islamic economic culture by inspiring other Islamic organizations and enhancing the justice, sustainability, and ethics of Islamic economics.

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Oleh: Taufan S. Chandranegara

3 hari lalu



Oleh: Taufan S. Chandranegara

3 hari lalu